Javascript spread operator and rest parameters (...)

Jan 30, 2019
Javascript spread operator and rest parameters (...)
What do three dots (...) mean in javascript? They can be used for various different purposes.

Variable number of parameters

Usually, when working with functions in JavaScript, there is a fixed number of parameters your function uses and supports. If you want to calculate the square root of a number using Math.sqrt(x) you always need just one parameter for input. Some functions may require more parameters. Others have more parameters, but you can safely omit last few optional ones. In any of these cases, all the parameters are declared as a part of the function signature:

function doSomething(first, second, third) { 
    // Do something cool

However, what if the number of parameters is not known beforehand and can be pretty much anything?

For example, let's take Math.min() and Math.max(). It does work for any number of parameters no matter whether it is 0, 2 or 30.

Math.Min(); // Infinity
Math.Min(1); // 1
Math.Min(1,2,3,4,3,1,5,7,9,0,-9,18,37,81); // -9

How would you write such a function?

Arguments - traditional approach

When you need to work with a variable number of parameters in a function, traditionally your only option would be arguments object.

Inside the body of each function, there is arguments object available, which is array-like structure, which contains all the arguments passed into the function. You can access each passed-in argument with a zero-based index and you can check the length of the parameters as you would with any array.

function doSomething() { 
    arguments[0]; // "A"
    arguments[1]; // "B"
    arguments[2]; // "C"
    arguments.length; // 3


Arguments limitations

Note that the arguments object is array-like, not a full-fledged array. That means that useful methods, which arrays have are not available. You cannot use methods such as arguments.sort(), or arguments.filter(). The only property you have is length.

Another limitation is that fat-arrow functions don't have arguments object available. In case you would use arguments in arrow function, it would refer to the arguments of the enclosing function (if there is one).

Rest Parameters

Fortunately, since ES6, the arguments object is no longer the only way how to handle variable parameters count. ES6 introduced a concept called rest parameters.

What it means is that you can put ... before the last parameter in the function.

function doSomething(first, second, {
    // do something cool

Now, in the example above, you can access the first two named parameters as usual. However, all the other arguments passed to the function starting with third are automatically collected to an array called as the last parameter ("rest" here).

function doSomething(first, second, {
    console.log(first); // First argument passed to the function
    console.log(second); // Second argument passed to the function
    console.log(rest[0]); // Third argument passed to the function
    console.log(rest[1]); // Fourth argument passed to the function
    // Etc.

If you pass less than three parameters, rest will be just empty array.

Unlike arguments object, rest parameters give you a real array so that you can use all the array-specific methods. Moreover, unlike arguments, they do work in arrow functions.

let doSomething = ( => {
    rest[0]; // Can access the first argument

let doSomething = () => {
    arguments[0]; // Arrow functions don't have arguments

In addition to the advantages above, there is one which makes the rest parameters superior to arguments. Rest parameters are part of the function signature. That means that just from the function "header" you can immediately recognize that it uses rest parameters and therefore accepts variable number of arguments. With arguments object, there is no such hint. That means you have to read the method body or comments to be able to tell that it accepts a variable number of parameters. What's also important is that IDEs can detect rest parameters in the signature and help you better.


Rest parameters take all the remaining arguments of a function and package them in an array. That naturally brings two limitations. You can use them max once in a function, multiple rest parameters are not allowed.

// This is not valid, multiple rest parameters
function doSomething(first, ...second, ...third) {

And you can use rest parameters only as a last parameter of a function:

// This is not valid, rest parameters not last
function doSomething(first, ...second, third) {

Spread operator

What's a little bit confusing is that the same three dots ... used in JavaScript for the rest parameters are also used for an additional purpose. It is called spread operator. Its usage is almost the opposite of rest parameters. Instead of collecting multiple values in one array, it lets you expand one existing array (or other iterable) into multiple values. Let's look at various use cases.

Function calls

Let's assume we have an array with three items and a function, which requires three input parameters.

let myArray = [1, 2, 3];

function doSomething(first, second, third) {

How do you pass three values in our array as a three separate arguments to the doSomething() function? A naive approach would be something like this:

doSomething(myArray[0], myArray[1], myArray[2]);

It is obviously not very nice, difficult for a large number of parameters and works only if we know their number before. Let's try something else. Before spread operator, this used to be the way to call a function and pass an array as separate parameters:

doSomething.apply(null, myArray);

The first parameter of the apply function is what's supposed to be the value of "this". The second one is the array we want to pass into the function as arguments.

With spread operator, you can achieve the same using:

let myArray = [1, 2, 3];

// Is equivalent to 
doSomething(myArray[0], myArray[1], myArray[2]);

Note that it works with any iterable, not just arrays. For example, using the spread operator with string will disassemble it to the individual characters.

You can combine this with passing individual parameters. Unlike rest parameters, you can use multiple spread operators in the same function call and it does not need to be the last item.

// All of this is possible
doSomething(1, ...myArray);
doSomething(1, ...myArray, 2);
doSomething(...myArray, ...otherArray);
doSomething(2, ...myArray, ...otherArray, 3, 7);

Array literals

The spread operator can also be used when creating an array using an array literal. This way you can insert elements from other arrays (or iterables such as strings) at a specific location.

let firstArray = ["A", "B", "C"];
let secondArray = ["X", ...firstArray, "Y", "Z"];
// second array is [ "X", "A", "B", "C", "Y", "Z" ]

By using spread operator in an array literal, we say: the second array should have X as the first element, then all the elements from the firstArray, no matter what is their number. And then the last two elements will be Y and Z.

Merging arrays

Of course, you can use spread operator in an array literal multiple times. This can be useful for example for merging several existing arrays, which would be more difficult using traditional imperative approach:

let mergedArray = [...firstArray, ...secondArray, ...thirdArray];

Copying arrays

Sometimes it is also useful to create a copy of the existing array with the same items as the original. It is easy with the spread operator.

var original = [1, 2, 3];
var copy = [...original];

Object literals

Very similar to array literals is the usage of the spread operator in object creation with object literals. You can take properties of another object and include them in a new object created by an object literal. This feature is available since ES2018.

let firstObject = {a: 1, b: 2};

let secondObject = {...firstObject, c: 3, d: 4};

console.log(secondObject); // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 }

Be aware that spread takes only own (not inherited) and enumerable properties of an object, other properties are ignored.

Shallow copy

The use cases are pretty much the same as with arrays. You can also merge and clone objects.

let clone = {...original};

This can be a nice alternative to cloning objects using Object.assign(). Note that it is a shallow copy. A new object is created, but the cloned properties are still the original and not clones.

Prototype lost

When cloning an object using the approach above, be aware that the prototype of the original object is not preserved. It just copies properties of the source object and creates a brand new object using object literal, which has a prototype of Object.prototype.

Property conflicts

What happens though when you introduce a property with the spread operator which already exists in the object? This does not result in an error. If there are multiple object properties with the same name and different values, the latest one wins.

let firstObject = {a: 1};
let secondObject = {a: 2};

let mergedObject = {...firstObject, ...secondObject};
// a: 2 is after a: 1 so it wins
console.log(mergedObject); // { a: 2 }

Updating immutable objects

The behavior where the later declared property with the same name wins can be utilized when updating immutable objects. When you're working with immutable objects or don't want to directly mutate objects, you can use spread operator to create a new object as an updated variant of the original.

let original = {
      someProperty: "oldValue", 
      someOtherProperty: 42

let updated = {...original, someProperty: "newValue"};
// updated is now { someProperty: "newValue", someOtherProperty: 42 }

Because the original object contains someProperty and it is then used once more, the last usage wins and the new value is used. Original object is not changed in any way and a new object is created.

Destructuring assignment

In short, the destructuring assignment is a way to assign properties of objects or values from arrays to distinct variables.

Array destructuring

Let's assume we have an array with three items and we want to assign these items into three separate variables.

let myArray = [1, 2, 3];
let a,b,c; // We want to assign a=1, b=2, c=3

Ths can be done easily by array destructuring assignment like this:

let myArray = [1,2,3];
let [a, b, c] = myArray;

console.log(a); // 1
console.log(b); // 2
console.log(c); // 3

But how is this connected to the three dots syntax? Remember rest parameters? In the same way as all the remaining arguments are packed into an array, we can assign all the remaining items in the array destructuring assignment into a new array variable:

let myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let [a, b, c, ...d] = myArray;

console.log(a); // 1
console.log(b); // 2
console.log(c); // 3
console.log(d); // [4, 5]

Object destructuring

Object destructuring is very similar to array destructuring. The name of each variable matches the name of a property from the destructured object.

let myObject = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4};
let {b, d} = myObject;

console.log(b); // 2
console.log(d); // 4

And similar to arrays, you can also use ... to collect all the remaining properties, which were not assigned to a variable to a brand new object:

let myObject = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4};
let {b, d, ...remaining} = myObject;

console.log(b); // 2
console.log(d); // 4
console.log(remaining); // { a: 1, c: 3 }

Destructuring deep dive

For detailed explanation of destructuring please check the following article:


Three dots in JS can mean multiple things based on context.

You can use it as rest parameters in a function, so you are able to work easily with variable number of arguments. You can use a similar approach with array or object destructuring assignment, where the rest of the items are nicely packed into an array.

The spread operator can be used to unpack an iterable into individual items, which can be used when creating objects, arrays or calling functions.

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