Javascript spread operator and rest parameters (...)

Javascript spread operator and rest parameters (...)
What do three dots (...) mean in javascript? They can be used for various different purposes.

Java Raw String Literals

Java Raw String Literals
Java finally brings support for raw strings. They can span multiple lines and you don't need to escape special characters. Especially useful for regular expressions.

Spring Boot Admin Tutorial

Spring Boot Admin Tutorial
Monitor and manage you Spring Boot apps with a nice UI on top of Spring Boot Actuator endpoints.

Reactive Conf 2018: My volunteering experience

Reactive Conf 2018: My volunteering experience
My experience as a volunteer at Reactive Conf Prague 2018.

Faster Development with Spring Boot DevTools

Faster Development with Spring Boot DevTools
How to speed up your Spring Boot development even more with DevTools and make it more enjoyable and productive?

Actuator: Spring Boot Production Monitoring and Management

Actuator: Spring Boot Production Monitoring and Management
Monitor and manage your application in production with Spring Boot Actuator 2.x. Gather metrics or check health easily.

Staticman: User generated content made static

Staticman: User generated content made static
How to make your JAMStack site truly static even with user-generated content.

Detecting build version and time at runtime in Spring Boot

Detecting build version and time at runtime in Spring Boot
How to obtain artifact version, build time and other build information in a Spring Boot app at runtime?

Easy git hooks with Husky

Easy git hooks with Husky
Effortless creation and management of git hooks for your Node/NPM projects with Husky.

Adding search to your static JAMStack site

Adding search to your static JAMStack site
How to add search option to your static JAMStack site using Algolia Search and Algolia DocSearch.

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